To sum up, the proper kind of services for business to provide are services that provide gain of state (or, what is the same, services in areas of choice).
All the familiar things that businesses do can be seen as efforts to provide gain of state: making cars, producing movies, publishing books and music, running restaurants, staging sporting events and fashion shows, building and managing vacation resorts.
Business is unsuited to provide, at least directly, to the community or to individuals, services for preventing loss of state or restoring lost state. It makes no sense for business to provide commercial fire-fighting services to the public.
Equally, the kind of services that it is appropriate for government to provide are services in areas of no-choice.
That is, the proper kind of services for government to provide are services that prevent loss of state or restore lost state.
All the familiar things that government does can be seen as efforts to MAINTAIN state, and RESTORE state: passing laws, including laws to protect the environment; providing courts of law; police; national defense; disaster relief; firefighting services; regulating business, so that business activities do not bring loss of state to anybody, including antittrust regulation that checks businesses from preventing
others from gaining state.
As society progresses, the number of areas of no-choice increase - think highways, electricity, internet; the need to prevent loss of state and restore lost state spreads to newer and higher areas of society; if technology makes new things possible, new rules have to be framed and enforced to maintain state; the role of government of necessity increases. This increase is not the same as expansion of government role in society - it is simply a consequence of the expansion of the areas that government is - and always has to be - responsible for.